AdSkills Edge #176 – Million-Dollar Advertorial For

I owe a lot of my early success to copywriting. I was so hyped about it, I even got a tattoo of a quill, ink, and a bundle of cash on my arm. But even if you don’t share my passion… or even if you straight up hate writing… There’s one specific type of copy […]

  • December 30, 2020

AdSkills Edge #175 – Secret Holiday Mission For Media

I’ve got a secret AdSkills mission for you for the Holidays: This year, try to find out how each of your friends shop for gifts for their loved ones. And after you guys are done giving gifts to each other, ask your family too. And don’t settle for broad ideas. Dig into the specifics. Map […]

  • December 29, 2020

AdSkills Edge #174 – The Gordian Knot of Ad Compliance

Have you ever heard of the Legend of the Gordian Knot? I’ll give you the short version: In the city of Gordion… (We’re talking the era Before Christ) There was an ox-cart tied to a post with an intricate knot. This knot was so expertly tied it was harder to untangle than Facebook’s ad policy. […]

  • December 29, 2020

AdSkills Edge #172 – Can’t find your next BIG client?

  If you’re stuck with clients who can barely spend $2,000 per month on ads, consider this… Recently inside Pro League, we’ve interviewed 5 agency owners on how they’ve scaled their agencies. They were all experts of different ad networks, having managed millions of spend. They all focused on different niches. And they all came […]

  • November 26, 2020

AdSkills Edge #171 – The most powerful word

I’ve shared this last week on my profile and I’ve already got fan mail from action takers making sales with half the CPCs they’re used to thanks to the advice. So I’ve decided to bring it to the Edge, too. In case you missed it… The most powerful word in advertising is NOT “FREE.” If […]

  • November 26, 2020

AdSkills Edge #170 – My $50k/mo client dilemma

I need to be careful with this Edge Issue. As I’m writing these lines, I feel like I’m about to start talking to you about how Bigfoot exists… But that’s far from the case. I’m here to PROVE something much bigger than Bigfoot. I’m here to show you $50k per month media buying clients exist. […]

  • November 2, 2020

AdSkills Edge #169 – Think you get average results?

I’m not here to give a pep talk. But if you think your results are average… or even below average… You need to hear this. I’m getting a wild mix of emotions after looking at the early results of our case study challenge. On one hand, I’m brimming with joy. Awesome media buyers and agencies […]

  • November 2, 2020

AdSkills Edge #168 – Client Hit and Run –

  This is a crime against your wallet, and it’s happening weekly… Let me know if any of this sounds familiar: A potential client hits you up all excited. They’re sending you message after message on how they wanna work with you. They’ve heard good things about your agency. And they even looked at your […]

  • November 2, 2020

AdSkills Edge #167 – What’s Your Agency Type?

I hear agency owners struggle to scale… And some even build a business they can’t stand living with for more than a few weeks… How do I know? I’ve made the same mistake before… Back in the day, there was no blueprint for me on how to build an agency. Frankly, I just wanted to […]

  • November 2, 2020