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Tag Archives for " campaign strategies "

Daily Edge #046

What’s up my friends,Alllllrighty then, finally we can get back to our 5 stages of customer awareness ad campaigns.If you need a refresher, here’s links to part 1 and 2…https://www.adskills.com/043 https://www.adskills.com/044We already covered what type of campaign to create in stages #4 and #5. Working our way backwards, today I’m covering #1, #2, and #3 […]


?? ? – The Daily Edge #044

What’s up Edger’s, Sorry for the super brief intro today, gotta breakdown the RV and the Cobra Kai series just came out. #Priorities Yesterday we started a series discussing the 5 stages of customer awareness and knowing which ad network to target. Let’s continue… Ok so here are the 5 stages of customer awareness again… Unaware […]