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Tag Archives for " marketing "

Daily Edge #054

What’s up my friends,Having a really great time at my cousins house. We went fishing this morning on Otisco lake with my 15yr old son. Didn’t catch nothing, but had a good time still. Before I forget, today is THE LAST DAY for our 20{3f5cb5fa291a08a195abae09500dd2fa4db7c70ff8ce01c58f36dfd7c0426170} off sale. Tomorrow the discount code will no longer work […]


Daily Edge #053

What’s up my friends,Hope y’all had a glorious Memorial Day, at least my U.S. buddies. The rest of you, maybe you’re pulling your hair out about GDPR?? What a spectacle they’ve created huh! Anywho, the 20{3f5cb5fa291a08a195abae09500dd2fa4db7c70ff8ce01c58f36dfd7c0426170} sale is coming to an end in a couple days. After which our prices will be increased. Make sure […]


Daily Edge #051

What’s up my friends,Thank god today is my last day in Hershey, PA. This place is like a cell and wifi signal desert. It’s one big giant dead zone. Heading on up to Syracuse, NY tomorrow. Oh and thanks for all the replies about the power days, but we’re all filled up for the summer […]


?? ? – The Daily Edge #028

What’s up Edger’s, I don’t go to many seminars or conferences. They tend to focus on entry level tactics and strategies. Not a fault, that’s where the bulk of the money is, in this game. There are vastly more noobs than pro’s. That’s why DigitalMarketer is bigger than AdSkills. That’s why Traffic & Conversion Summit […]